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Third Eye Chakra Yoga

Chakra Sequences

Today’s video is a THIRD EYE CHAKRA practice. Your Third Eye is responsible for your intuition, wisdom, and clarity. This is a 20 minute practice including a 5 minute Shavasana with Third Eye affirmations.




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Day 6 | Third Eye Chakra

Chakra Challenge

Today's focus is the THIRD EYE CHAKRA. The Third Eye Chakra's function is seeing and intuition.




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Third Eye Chakra Focused | 13:53

Shorter Chakra Practices

Today's video is another CHAKRA practice. You all LOVE my Chakra videos and the focus of this video is the THIRD EYE CHAKRA. I have few of other Chakra videos, one shorter and one longer, so if you were looking for something in between then this video is for you! The video contains a sequence where we get into poses leading with our Third Eye and it ends with a short Shavasana where I give you a couple of affirmations relating to the Third Eye Chakra. Throughout the video there are some chest opening poses and poses where you lift your gaze up to the sky, which again allows us to lead with our Third Eye. Sometimes Chakras can be TOO open or completely closed, so I'm hoping this practice will help you get your Chakras into balance or alignment. Your Third Eye relates to your intuition and to «seeing» things more clearly. Your intuition is a very important part of your inner self. Learning to trust and listen to your intuition can often help you in certain life situations, so I hope this video can help you tap in to that part of yourself.




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Meditation for Ajna / Third Eye Chakra

In our 6th day of Sadhana Yogrishi will guide you through a meditation on the Third Eye Chakra, opening up to your expansiveness and your ability to see things clearly.




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After the meditation above or as a separate meditation, you can meditate on the seed syllable AH of the Third Eye Chakra here. You can also search for AH on YouTube and instead do another AH meditation where your focus is on the syllable AH in the Ajna or Third Eye Chakra.




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