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Introduction to Chakra Healing




Energy runs through everything in life. It’s a basic tenet of physics.


Getting to know your own energy source ― your chakras ― brings you an intimate connection with how your body acts and reacts to stress, while also helping you gain insights into how to heal traumas and patterns you may have been carrying around with you your entire lifetime.

Getting to grips with healing and balancing your chakras on the simplest level, will enable you to heal both your emotional and physical self.

Those who dedicate their lives to accessing chakra energy might become known as a healer or shaman or even ascend via master learning to access other dimensions, stepping in and out of time.

Advanced work requires diligent meditation, but tools such as essential oils, sound, crystals and yoga can help balance the chakras of the physical body.

As part of this post, we'll cover specific chakra balancing techniques for each chakra.

Essential oils are recommended as part of chakra healing, whether used alone, in blends or in combination with yoga, affirmations and other treatments.

Also interesting is the changes of vibration that crystals can lend to essential oil blends.

The changes, although small, are a bit like putting an extra coat of nail varnish on! It seems to deepen and strengthen the effects somehow. For this reason, the blends listed in the chakra healing sections include gemstones.

Don’t feel you have to emulate them exactly. For example, if you don’t have a ruby to hand for your root chakra (what? Sort that man out girl, everyone should have a ruby, at the very least!) feel free to substitute with another root chakra gem.

Usually these are red, but not always… or you can miss it out completely. No recipes are set in… Err… 'stone' (see what I did there?).