A vibrant root chakra generates the sort of feelings of safety we all crave.
You feel safe amongst those around you, trusting they always have your back.
You feel confident you have everything you need not only to survive but to thrive.
You’ve got a strong sense of right and wrong. You pick your battles wisely and you’re assertive enough to state your case clearly and successfully if you feel you are being taken advantage of.
It’s a comfortable state.
You have a clear sense of who you are, your place in the world and what you are capable of achieving.
Consider then, that the chakra is not opening enough, or indeed has endured such trauma in the past, that it is blocked. It’s completely shut down in self-defense.
What do we see? Anxious, afraid or even terrified.
Frightened of life.
Avoiding it.
Can’t settle to anything.
Can’t hold down a job… (Notice how there is a sense of the wind being able to lift it because there is nothing weighing it down?)
Can’t put down roots ― so obvious it’s daft but, absolutely right.
Hiding from life through any manner of substances, particularly alcohol and even more so drugs.
We can also see how a kid might get drawn easily into gang culture. They’ve no self-esteem, so they need the security of others to make them feel valued. There’s a complete lack of direction so they need others to lead them.
Insufficient activity at the base chakra is self-destructive behavior. Period.
But, of course, different characters respond in different ways, and you can imagine a child being shouted at so long that eventually his chakra rages and screams so loud and powerfully that it never quite closes again.
What are they then?
Selfish, egocentric, self-centered, probably a bully and potentially the leader of that gang because their fear disguises itself behind a reckless façade of seeming to have no fear at all.
They’re adrenaline junkies. Some jump out of planes, others rob banks…on the extreme levels obviously.
We can all think of people who try to dominate us and press our buttons.
That’s an interesting relationship isn’t it? My root chakra versus your root chakra…
You push. Do I push back? Or do I become one of your sycophants who’s not brave enough to push anyone’s buttons unless someone else has given me permission…?
Over-active root chakras bring about material obsessions. Whatever it takes to get it, that’s ok with them.
It doesn’t matter who’s in the way, they’ll railroad them.
These people are certainly ambitious, but in particularly unpleasant ways. They are coercive, controlling and manipulative.
Where underactive, is probably stood on the diving board, scared to take the leap... over-active would be the pusher.
Root Chakra imbalance extremes summed up would be either frightened or exhibiting no fear at all.
The red depicts the energetic and fiery nature of Shakti, awakening, moving, and evolving. But likewise, it is reminiscent of the sky at dawn as we rouse from sleeping, gain consciousness and become more aware.
The birth of human consciousness takes place here.
Each of the four petals of the lotus flower represents a certain central aspect of the psyche:
are all seeded here.
Other interpretations say the petals symbolize the goals of an immaculate life, the Hindu tenet of Purusartha.
These are:
Geometrically, the four-sided square is a form that is stable and inert. But, four is very much a physical number on many levels: the four physical elements, the four points of the compass, the four seasons; all conveying our worldly dimension and physical form.
Importantly, within this, resides a triangle that points downwards representing how consciousness is seeded at the root chakra but then grows upwards and outwards, flourishing and filling the space.
The soul is drawn down from his home in chakra 8, is sucked down to the root chakra, then is projected up with force through the body into the physical space. It manifests into a more tangible form as a person's potential.
Other disciplines also give a rather lovely elephant as the symbol of the root chakra ― an elephant with seven trunks which depicts wisdom and stability.
Again, we can understand this on several levels.
Fundamentally, each trunk relates to a dhatu ― the basic elements of Ayurveda. These are:
Esoterically, they also pertain to the seven levels of consciousness kundalini flows through at each stage of its assent:
Clearly, too we could construe the seven trunks as portraying the seven inner chakras of the physical body.