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Activating Qi Flow of Third Eye Chakra Meditation (Sixth Chakra)


Your third eye chakra holds the blueprint of your imagination, intellect, intuition, and and spiritual insight and awareness. It opens up your connection to the higher spiritual dimensions. Get ready to activate your higher mind…now… Mixed with Solfeggio 852 hz and theta binaural beats to enhance the healing. The intention of this session is to balance your Sixth chakra, also called the brow chakra or third eye chakra. Your third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo and is located on your forehead, a half inch up between your eyebrows.

When using the following affirmations, sit or lie down in a quiet place and focus on your third eye or imagine the color of the chakra.

Here are some simple guidelines for an even deeper integration of this powerful healing experience:


  1. Find a place were you can be alone for the duration of this audio.
  2. Use headphones.
  3. Listen to it once daily for 28 days in a row — and after that once or twice a week.
  4. Listen to this whenever you feel in need of some grounding and healing




srt script mp3