The fourteenth chakra has to do with the Divine Plan. It allows the mental mind to surrender. The fourteenth chakra is saying that you are allowing the Divine Plan to show you the way without reviewing or evaluating from your mental thought beliefs.
This chakra corresponds to the third eye in the third dimensional chakra system. It is bringing clairvoyance into the fourth dimension. It is beginning to activate your unlimitedness. The color of this chakra is deep blue/violet.
Disengages the mind and the ego and allows us to perceive the divine plan.
When chakra 14 activates we can see the connections and understand their synchronicity. We can say the difference of «I imagine» to «I know».
This is the first point of clairsentience in the fourth dimension and is the higher octave of the third eye in the third.
Standard literature suggests this chakra can only be activated if the brow chakra is balanced but I am not convinced this is right. I think if the third eye is jammed open information leaks through this and we see delusions, paranoia and hearing voices.
Personally, I think this chakra is controlled by the third eye, in that it enables us to switch it on and off at will.
Dark blue-ish violet
Technically, not an essential oil, but an absolute. Any work with violet is special, set aside and unusual.
There used to be a violet retinoid that was just like staring into a crystal ball, but no-one seems to make that now. The leaf is gentle, more Christlike and feels like you are protected by nuns.
You might want to try this meditation for activating the 14th chakra: