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Chakra 21

The twenty-first chakra has to do with divine structure. It is creating from a point of evolution, which is really from a point of resolution. So as you have the third eye which allows you to be clairvoyant in the third dimension, now then you way in the fourth dimension, the Divine Plan. You are now beyond the structure of the fifth into the learning that took place during the Divine structure. Vywamus said in respect to this chakra, and I quote, «Now I must tell you that none of you have to worry about this in the next two or three years.» It is blue / gold in color.

Correlates in part to the third eye, but here rather than perceiving other realities you become part of the vision and knowing.

Golden blue



777 Hz + 999Hz | 21st Chakra I am That I am

The 21st Chakra is the 5th Dimensional third Eye, becomes crystal clear. It evolves into the crystal ball of the seer, the sage, the one who knows all, witnesses all, yet makes no judgement.

Governing Archangel: Raphael


Medi 1