Each chakra governs the energy of a gland. The glands are vital to keep us healthy on every level. However, they also serve a most important spiritual function. Each gland is connected, through an Archangel, to a vast, concentrated universal power center, which radiates a high-frequency spiritual energy. For instance, the gland of the heart center, the thymus, is connected to the Cosmic Heart.
Adrenals – send out adrenaline in response to the fight or flight mechanism of the body. They also get rid of rubbish. They back up the kidneys, which is why we retain fluid when we are stressed. Although the adrenals are above the kidneys they are connected to the base centre because they are the first glands to be formed in the womb.
Cosmic Connection
Sends out the high frequency Divine energy of spiritual enlightenment.
Governing Archangel
Gonads (ovaries & testes) – these glands govern the sexual and reproductive organs of the body. The testes produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. The ovaries release an ovum (an egg) each month and produce oestrogen and progesterone. After the menopause the ovaries reduce oestrogen production. This chakra is responsible for creativity and emotions.
Cosmic Connection
Radiates a high frequency balancing energy and ultimately draws us into the wisom of the Divine Feminine.
Governing Archangel
Solar Plexus
Pancreas – deals with sugar and nourishment. It secretes insulin and digestive enzymes. On another level it enables us to absorb emotional and mental sweetness. This is the first gland to show disease in the body.
Cosmic Connection
Radiates great power and wisdom.
Governing Archangel
Thymus – governs the immune system. This gland is proportionally bigger in children and is responsible for growth. When it is over-stimulated, arthritis results. If it is under-working, we are vulnerable to immune deficiency diseases, extremes of which are AIDS and cancer.
Cosmic Connection
The cosmic heart sends out the heartbeat of the Universe.
Governing Archangel
Thyroid – governs the metabolism and the production of antibodies. When it is overactive the eyes bulge. When underactive we may lose our voice or have tired, leathery skin. The parathyroid enables us to absorb calcium and balances the calcium levels to keep our bones strong and healthy.
Cosmic Connection
The cosmic throat chakra transmits the great qualities of power and leadership.
Governing Archangel
Third Eye
Pituitary – is the master gland; it controls the working of all the glands, i.e. urine production and brings in breast milk. This is the gland of eternal life. If we are so programmed, it will send out ageing hormones, so it is our task to reprogramme it to emit rejuvenating hormones. When this chakra is balance we are in balance but it closes down with stress. The hypothalamus, between the pineal and the pituitary glands, controls the pituitary.
Cosmic Connection
The Cosmic Third Eye transmits the light of Mastery.
Governing Archangel
Pineal – in this chakra emits and absorbs lights and keeps us in Divine Harmony. It creates melatonin.
Cosmic Connection
The cosmic crown chakra pours out the light of illumination.
Governing Archangel
Seat of the Soul
The Eight Chakra (just above the crown). The Seat of the Soul, holds the ancient knowledge of our soul contracts and ultimately, our life purpose. It also holds the records of what our souls had agreed as specific lessons in our upcoming lifetimes and past lives.
Cosmic Connection
Is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. The seat of the soul is the major core star of our energetic system.
Governing Archangel