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Clearly, to vitalize the body the chakras must work effectively, but commonly they can begin to wane.
Oftentimes their energy will become too weak.
Sometimes they jam shut causing blocked chakras, which then means no energy can get through or just as likely, they can become overly energetic and seep out way too much energy.
As we look at each chakra in turn, it will become clear what that might look like, but the best example might be someone stricken by grief.
Their heart chakra jams open, so each time they go to a family gathering they might be able to muster some degree of enjoyment, but by the next day they are back in the doldrums again.
Because the heart chakra doesn’t close ― and indeed vitalize the heart and lungs ― the next day their heart aches again and they keep sighing and crying because the vault hasn’t had an opportunity to lock in and preserve the joy.
A chakra’s shape can also change from what should look like a fairly circular spiral to an ellipse if there is a distortion in its power. Further, Liz has even seen them move across the body.
As previously stated, they should emanate through the spine, protruding from front to back, “penetrating” the various vertebrae, but they can drift either side, meaning they are no longer in the most efficient place to sustain the organs.
It’s not entirely clear what disturbs them, but it seems to be emotional distress that can shock them open or cause blocked chakras.
According to Tantra, kundalini rests in the base chakra and snakes its way up, empowering each chakra in turn.
This, however, develops over childhood, and each year that passes ― really until you are about 50 ― the latent energy moves higher through conscious experience.
In effect, it takes around seven years for the power of each chakra to be properly assimilated.
On paper, that seems like big jumps, as if a child was moving from class one to class two, but that is not so.
It helps to think of a train coming through a tunnel.
The last carriages might still be in the root chakra, while the front ones are heading up to the sacral… The growth is continual but gradual.
Thus, if a trauma were to happen to a child in their first seven years, we are likely to see problems with the root chakra.
Potentially it will be too weak and we will see issues with security, but likewise it’s likely to affect how sturdily their creativity radiates from the power of the sacral too.