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Understanding Chakra Imbalance


Please note: It’s very easy to read a post on the internet such as this, and/or to use charts to assess the possible issues and to form a conclusion that a solitary chakra is at fault.

This is very rarely so.

Later in the post, I’ll show you how to see exactly what is going on, but even working with a pendulum, the changes you see are subtle.

Think of the chakras as cone shaped. (They are not, but this is a good analogy to imagine how they work through time, and again we will think about time later in the post when we look at the outer chakras.)

Seen as a cone, the tip of the cone is where the chakra permeates the body (<), but the further away from the body we get, the more open the vortex (or cone in this visualization) becomes.

So, even when we perceive the pendulum, the shape of the chakra is small. The further away from the body it becomes, the density weakens but the energy diffuses wider.

Thus, if we could see the chakra at say the seventh body of the aura, its space would have become far bigger.


7 Chakras auric


If we could work on the chakras in the seventh body, then potentially the chakra would be fairly large, and so shape distortions would be clearer to see. This would be difficult to do, not least because you would need to have extremely long arms to reach that high.

With that in mind then, consider that if the root chakra has been dysfunctional for a long time, kundalini struggles to climb with much vigor.

It’s a bit like a sapling in the forest straining to find the sun. It does grow but it will be weak, potentially very tall, but with little substance.

Larger trees not only take its light, but most of its nutrients too.

The forester needs to coppice. Cutting other trees down around it make an investment in its future.

What we find is, even if we have issues in the solar plexus chakra, for example, we need to “plug” the root.

We invest time and energy at all levels, because once we have 'concreted in' every space where energy can leak out, it builds a better reservoir generally.

It’s also useful to consider there will be a kind of 'push me ― pull you' kind of politics going on.

When energy is leaking in one place, the organism tries to compensate in another. I’m convinced this is how chakras move out of balance, personally, but that may not be so.

But if the heart chakra gets shocked open, and it stays there, probably by grief, then the throat chakra tends to close up in defiance.

Is that why people go quiet when they’re grieving? Maybe so.

It’s not an exact science. Often five, six or seven chakras can be out of balance so there is a great deal of work to do.

Lastly, they are elastic. Even the best practitioner can heal and balance a chakra, even shove it back to where it is supposed to be along the spine, and attempt to anchor it, but they spring back. What’s more they will continue to spring back for months.

I’m not even sure why that is, but I suspect it might be something to do with the elasticity of the spine which is why I refer most of my own aromatherapy clients to chiropractors to get their backs checked when I am treating them long term.

All the energy of the body runs through the spinal cord, and of course our chakras run through it from front to back.

If the spine has been misaligned for a long time ― and that is usual because even wearing your handbag on the same shoulder all the time can do it ― then the muscles get used to it being there, even though it’s painful.

After manipulation, the spine will rarely remain straight for more than a matter of hours because the muscles and tendons pull it back. It will take weeks to train them to how the body is supposed to feel but eventually, the spine will comply, as will eventually, the chakras.

It’s worth also pointing out, at this point, that each nerve plexus passes up through the spine and then heads out to its corresponding organ.

Misalignment of vertebrae rubs on nerves and can send pain signals down to an organ. Most conditions could see at least some improvement with chiropractic (yes, I know some of you will disagree but this is our opinion).

Might this explain chakra involvement? Does manipulation of the spine, around the solar plexus region improve digestion? Almost certainly, it could.

So, the two things in tandem, spinal work and chakra healing have an extremely strong relationship and are powerful allies.

So, this would seem to be a good place to have a good look at each chakra and how to heal it, in what we call the third dimension… Don’t worry about the dimensions, we’ll get to that in the outer chakras!

This would be the classic first seven chakras that most people work with.