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Chakra 10: Solar Star


Chakra 10


The tenth chakra is associated with the polarity chakra in the third dimension. It has to do with the integration of polarities. The proper integration of male and female within self. This chakra actually starts functioning when the male and female energies are in total balance. This is experienced as a state of effortlessness, and alignment with one's soul. The color of this chakra is a pearlized color.

Eight and nine climbed above our heads but ten is found below the feet.

Work downwards from chakra 0, about a foot and you may be able discern this chakra.

In someone new to the spiritual pathway, the disturbance in your pendulum will be small, but as they work on their psychic abilities you will no doubt see the power begin to increase. Clearly, working this area will also help to accelerate their abilities.

As the fourth-dimension chakras begin to activate, they will eventually take the place of those in the third dimension. In other words, we begin to operate at a higher vibration.

Should ten begin to open, a person begins to be able to use and control the residual karmic skills they "remembered" from other incarnations, like seeing auras or telepathy for instance.

They have accessed the data and integrated it, but the on switch cannot be executed until the male and female energies have been completely aligned.

It's useful to remember that the even number chakras will activate skills housed in the odd ones.

That means if there is some trauma locked in 9, it won’t be until you have fully integrated that part of your journey, and activated 10, that you will be able to access it to try to heal it. The roads are just not in place to get there.

To move forward from 9 to 10 demands careful work on the active masculine element with the passive female, and this can only happen if the heart chakra in the third dimensional chakras is entirely balanced.





The ancient Egyptians used galbanum in incenses dedicated their god Osiris, the god of the underworld and the quintessential masculine element.

Overcoming and conquering death, galbanum draws us down into the underworld of our soul path. Where it meets with Blue Lotus by contrast consecrated to the goddess Isis.

Merging masculine and feminine allows us to descend past the confines of this lifetime and integrate the lessons of the soul.

Narcissus, a particularly unpleasant oil to use topically, has a fragrance that leads us to the other side of the mirror. We are able to dispassionately assess which parts of us have been acquired through this lifetime and might be discarded and those which belong to a far bigger plan.

Once identified, we are better placed to liberate the soul matrix and work out how these qualities can better serve this lifetime.

I’d only use narcissus in a diffuser. It’s not an oil you want on your body.




You might want to try this meditation for activating the 10th chakra:

