The ninth chakra corresponds to the base chakra in the third dimensional chakra grid. The ninth chakra corresponds to the body of light. It has to do with joy. When this chakra is activated the body of light is now in your cellular and sub-cellular structure. The color of this chakra is blue / green.
It draws together the entirety of the values of the seven chakras of the third dimension, encompassing a blueprint that makes up you at any given time. You can usually find this about 8 ― 10 inches above 8.
Activating all the skills encapsulated in the crown chakra, it overlays that person with all the acquired skills that have been left behind by the residual karmic experience.
Seeing auras, telepathy, hearing plants, lucid dreaming and out of body travelling, any of which may have been learned and stored from other lifetimes.
This is the gateway to other universes, to the Akashic records of everything that ever was and will be, and to one’s spirit guides.
This is where truth lives. Absolute truth unsullied by perception, agenda or ego.
Chakra 9 acts like a transformer drawing information from the plant world and siphoning it down through the crown. It is through this chakra that rather than simply feeling a sense of community with one's fellow man, we start to acknowledge that other forms of life might be useful allies too.
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). The Latin name semper always virens living, betrays a strange bonding between life and death.
The Ancient Greek god Asclepius was thought to have had cypress all around his clinic. These trees also grow in cemeteries because they have such an affinity with death and the thin veil that exists between the living and the dead.
Physically, cypress is a detoxifier and I find this oil seems to help skills from past lifetimes rise to the top.
You might want to try this meditation for activating the 9th chakra: