To summarize, I always use the chakras as the way into healing. They give the biggest clues to energetic deficiencies and themes going through the emotions and into the physical body.
So, there you have it! Thirty years of research.
Hopefully it’s helped you gain a better understanding of the chakras, how they work, how to work with them and how to balance and align the chakras to help you and your family achieve a healthy mind, body and soul as you move through the journey of life.
P.S If you’d like to read the book I quoted by the scientist at the beginning, my quotation was taken from:
Pert, Candace. Molecules Of Emotion: Why You Feel The Way You Feel. Simon & Schuster UK. Kindle Edition.
P.P.S If you found value in this post and know someone who would also love reading it, please give it a share.
There is also a PDF file for each of these 22 chakras and the out-of-body experiences:
22 Chakras | Out of Body Experiences |
The teaching of the 22 chakras is not widely spread throughout the internet. How to work with it is nowhere. That is why I would like to show you how you can work this out a little.
It may take several lifetimes to even get to where you are now. From here you can continue to practice systematically in order to finally achieve «Absolute Perfection».
Regarding the Third Eye work, «Sadhguru» made a short video in which he tells how you can work with it:
Inspired by these words, I have now prepared an excursus in which the memory of the individual chakras is briefly refreshed again, in order to then work with each individual chakra in the manner of the explanations in the video above.
Here are the exercises>