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6th Dimension: Chakras 23-29


Spiral of the 6th Dimension

Chakras (23-30)

Here are the frequencies from the 6th Dimensional Chakra System

First hour individually each chakra between frequencies 2649 Hz - 3426 Hz and last 30 minutes all of the chakras together.

How to use?



Spiral Medi



Awake 6th Dimension Energy Within

DMT Spiritual Activation Frequency | Higher Self Ascension 432Hz

Listen this 432 hz DMT spiritual activation frequency meditation music sessions to access higher self ascension and awake your 6th dimensional energy and consciousness for Oneness with the intuitions of God Within all in this planet.

Use comfortable noise cancelling portable headphones to have beneficial and healing meditation session. Adjust low volume, close your eyes to enter into deep meditative mind states and relaxation. Wishing you all have best meditative mind journey. We are truly grateful to share our music positively!


Medi Awake



6th Dimension Light Body Activation

8Hz Binaural beats | connect with higher realms of your soul

The Sixth Dimensional Light Body Activation connects all 8 chakras with the feminine/masculine polarization of the sixth dimension and activates the Metatron Chakras 9-12 of the higher energies.

There is much ignorance in this world now surfacing. It is part of this cleansing. We (the Awakening Ones) also have our share of ignorance as well. We are shedding ours, but we are experiencing it as it leaves. Our best way to cope with this process is to learn to detach ourselves from the emotions connecting us to the Process. We must learn to «Surrender to our Divine God Self’s Will», and learn to «Allow». By becoming as Neutral as possible, mindful, loving and kind, knowing that the Universe truly does support us, we become free from all of our inherent Human fears.

One must always bear in mind that all of the trials and tribulations along the way are merely signs of progress. If you can keep this perspective, it will surely make things go much easier. It does not seem possible at times, with all of the burdens you must carry, but don’t give up when you are this close to the finish line.

You have worked hard to get here, and you will certainly reap the rewards. The only way to ease the pain; gain landmarks and speed up your process is through consistent Energy Work. Regular chakra balancing, daily practices, divine codes and tools that will assist you to relieve these hurdles, and to greatly quicken your spiritual path in order to make it a sacred, and a more pleasurable experience. Today the energies that are coming through are a much higher frequency than ever before on this planet, making it much easier to transmute the lower vibrations through Intention and Choice, which allows transition much faster and easier


Medi Light Body