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Chakra 8: Higher Heart


Higher Heart


The eighth chakra is the first chakra of the fourth dimension, and is the seat of the soul. In the third dimensional chakras the earth designated number zero represents physical existence. It is solid and concrete. The seat of the soul now becomes the seat of our existence, just as the earth was the baseline for our existence in the third dimension.

The colors of the chakras eight through twelve are exactly the same as the colors of the higher fourth dimensional rays (These rays will be explained in great detail in a later chapter.) The color of the eighth chakra is emerald green and purple.

As we enter the fourth dimension, of time space, this is the first time we have access to the timeless nature of the soul.

The seat of the soul is thought to be found in chakra 8. You may be able to discern it about a foot above the head. Different from the spirit (which is thought to reside in the aura) the soul is believed to be the part of you re-incarnated through many lifetimes.

For many, we spend our time on a quest to learn our purpose in life. Perhaps through, if we are invested in accessing our more spiritual realms, freeing our soul matrix might be a more successful endeavor.

Each individual consciousness originates from the Eternal God source but carries a completely unique code, which encodes our individual purpose.

During a successful lifetime we learn, evolve and experience as many opportunities as we can to understand what might make up our own soul blueprint.

Natural abilities, likes, dislikes, creed color… they are all clues.

In its fullest expression it encompasses a triptych of our creative imagination, how receptive we are to new experiences and wisdom and our perception of what life is like.

The soul acts as a repository for all knowledge and experience gained through its many incarnations and records the memories of the consciousness.

In Shamanic teachings, this chakra is known as the Soul Star.


The main oil I use for this chakra is Angelica Root (Angelica archangelica).

Astrologically, angelica is ruled by the cusp of Pisces and Aries, the moment marks the change over from one lifetime to the next, whether that be the end of the zodiac year or in our own incarnations.

It’s a very valuable oil for hospice situations and perhaps that’s because it enables them to summon the will of the carpenter to dispose of his creation.




In the below video, master healer Deborah King shows you a simple technique to help open and connect chakra 8:


Activate Chakra 8


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You might want to try this meditation for activating the 8th chakra:


Activate Chakra 8


The following is in English

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