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«Siddhasana», the «Perfect (Siddha) Sitting Posture (Asana)», the «Posture of the Perfect»; Meditation Position, an Asana in Hatha Yoga. In the «Hatha Yoga Pradipika» four variants of this Position are described. A variant of this «Vajrasana».


LotossitzSiddhasana: A heel between the sexual organ and anus (on the perineum or in front of the vagina), the other heel on the pubic bone.


«Siddhasana» is one of the most popular Meditation Positions. «Siddhasana» is a Sanskrit term consisting of two Sanskrit words: Siddha means Perfect; Asana means Position, Sitting Posture. The «Siddhasana» is so the «Perfect Sitting Posture» or the «Meditation Seat of Perfection». However, this is just a position for men. In this case, women practice «Siddha Yoni Asana».



Table of Contents

1 Sukadev about Siddhasana
2 Execution

2.1 Variations

3 Effects of Siddhasana

3.1 Limitations
3.2 Tips and Tricks

4 Swami Sivananda about Siddhasana
5 Siddha and Siddhi



Sukadev about Siddhasana




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Place one heel on the anus sphincter (Guda), the main opening of the digestive tract. Leave the other heel at the root of the genital organ. The feet or legs should be arranged and placed so that the ankles touch each other. The hands can, as in «Padmasana» shown, be stored.






I. Guptasana (Covert Position): The left heel is placed over the genitals. The right hoe is also placed over the right outer reproductive organ. The two ankles are close together or touch each other. The right toes press into the bulge between the left thigh and the left calf muscle. The left toes are hidden by the right leg. Gupta means hidden. Since the genitals are largely hidden in this Asana, it is called «Guptasana».


II. Vajrasana (Diamond Seat): The left heel is placed under the sex organ. The right heel is placed over the organ. «Vajra» means Diamant. There is another variant of the Diamond Seat. Instructions for this are given elsewhere.


III. Baddhayonyasana: Sit in the ordinary «Siddhasana» and perform the Yoni-Mudra. This is called «Baddhayonyasana». The description of the Yoni-Mudras is provided in the description of other Mudras.


IV. Kshemasana: When you sit in «Siddhasana» and raise your hands together to the level of the breast, this is called «Kshemasana». This means that you pray for Kshema (well-being) for the general public. The palms look to each other here.


V. Sthirasana (Permanent / Firmly Seat): Some people call ordinary «Siddhasana», «Sthirasana».


VI. Muktasana: Common «Siddhasana» is also known as «Muktasana».



Effects of Siddhasana

Through «Siddhasana», the energy of the lower centers is directed upwards through the spine. This stimulates the brain and calms the whole nervous system. The posture of the lower foot presses on the perineum, thus activating «Muladhara Chakra» and trigger the Mulabhanda.


In general, it can be said that this can gain control of the reproductive hormones, which of course is very important. For spiritual reasons, the Brahmacharya should be performed.


➳The «Prana Flow» is harmonized or realigned in the lower centers. This can lead to a tingling sensation after prolonged holding (10-15 minutes). After that, it disappears again.


➳The blood circulation is directed into the lower spine and lower abdomen, stimulating the lumbar area of the spine and the urinary and abdominal organs.


➳The reproductive system and blood pressure are harmonized.




Not suitable for sciatica and sacral infections.



Tips and Tricks

In «Siddhasana», it does not matter which leg is on top. Pay attention to balance, so you do not practice inclined.


Often pain is caused by the pressure of the superimposed ankles. Put a blanket or sponge in between. This makes it more comfortable.


The initial pressure on the perineum (perineum is the area between the anus and the scrotum) can become an unpleasant pressure. After a certain time of practicing it disappears.



Swami Sivananda about Siddhasana

In importance, «Siddhasana» stands next to «Padmasana». Some praise this Asana that it for the purpose of Meditation (Dhyana) even is superior «Padmasana». As you gain mastery over this Asana, you will gain numerous Siddhis (extraordinary powers).


In addition, this Asana was once practiced by many Siddhas (Perfected Yogis). Hence the name «Siddhasana». Even fat people with thick thighs can easily practice this Asana. In fact, this Asana is better for some people than «Padmasana». Young Brahmacharyas trying to strengthen celibacy should practice these Asana. For ladies, this Asana is not suitable. (Note from the Yoga Wiki Editors: For women, there is the «Siddha Yoni Asana».)



Siddha and Siddhi

The Sanskrit word Siddha means power and perfection. The word Siddhi springs from Siddha and refers to psychic powers or skills that develop through yogic exercises. Under Siddhis on understands clairvoyance, telepathy and many lesser-known forces, such as the ability to deliberately disappear. From Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana for women, it is believed that this Asana leads to this kind of psychic powers.