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Yoga Beginner Course 10 weeks — Sixth Week

6. Course Week

6A Yoga Beginner Course 6th Week



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The Sixth Lesson of the ten-week Beginner Course. You will learn about Prana, the life energy. Sukadev Bretz gives you some tips for more energy in everyday life. Afterwards Sukadev and Bhaskara will lead you into a Yoga Lesson. In particular you will learn Kapalabhati, the rapid breathing, a breathing exercise for more energy and joy. You will also learn some Preliminary Exercises for the Headstand: arm muscle exercises, Dolphin, Elbowstand. The following exercises you practice: Initial Relaxation, Kapalabhati, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Headstand Preliminaries (Elbowstand, Dolphin, Dog), Shoulderstand, Plough, Fish, Forward Bend, Lateral Inclined Plane, Cobra, Locust, Crescent, Position of the Child, Twisted Seat. Deep Relaxation: «Yoga Nidra Variation» — Expansion-Relaxation. Short Meditation: Ajna Chakra Light Meditation — Meditation for raising the consciousness and for access to intuition. OM, Mantra.



6B Yoga Video Long Practice Week 6



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The Long Practice Video of the 6th week of the Yoga Vidya Beginner Course. Sukadev, Bhaskara and Kerstin guide you to the following exercises: Initial Relaxation, OM, Kapalabhati, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Headstand Exercises: Dolphin, Dog, Elbowstand. Shoulder Stand, Plough, Fish, Forward Bend, Inclined Plane on Elbows, Lateral Inclined Plane, Cobra, Locust, Cat, Crescent, Twisted Seat. Deep Relaxation Yoga Nidra Variation: Extending Relaxation, OM, Mantra, tips for practice. Please note: always listen to your own body. Today's Yoga Session is a lot more challenging than the previous ones. Go only as far as it is good for you. If necessary or helpful, practice further with the videos 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C.



6C Short Yoga Practice 6th week Yoga Vidya Beginner Course



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18 minutes for relaxation and energy. Kapalabhati, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Headstand Preliminary Exercises, Deep Relaxation.



6D Laya Yoga Deep Relaxation Yoga Beginner Course 6th week



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A powerful Deep Relaxation to let energies flow, release energy blockages, get new strength and inspiration. You activate all energy fields (Marmas), energy centers (Chakras), expand the Prana Field (energy field). This «Laya Yoga Deep Relaxation» is a Kundalini Yoga Relaxation from Tantra. It is also related to the «Laya Chintana Technique» in Vedanta. It is also a variation of «Yoga Nidra». Above all it is a very effective «Shavasana Technique», that means Hatha Yoga Deep Relaxation.