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Yoga Beginners Course 10 Weeks — Eighth Week

8th Course Week

8A Course Lesson — Eighth Week Yoga Vidya Beginners Course



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Eighth Lesson of the ten-week «Yoga Vidya Beginners Course». Sukadev talks about Positive Thinking. He gives you tips for more positivity in everyday life. Then Sukadev and Kerstin guide you to a Yoga Class with Affirmations for spiritual development. You will practice the following exercises: Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing, Abdominal Muscle Exercise, Dog, simple Headstand against the wall, Shoulderstand, Plow, Bridge, Fish, Forward Bend, Inclined Plane with variations, Cobra, Locust, Arch, Position of the Child, Twisted Seat, Crow, Tree, Triangle, Deep Relaxation with Autogenic Training, OM, short Meditation.



8B — Yoga Beginners Course Long Practice



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The eighth full Practice Session of the ten-week «Yoga Vidya Beginners Course». Special focus: energetic and spiritual effects of Yoga. With Affirmations und Chakra-Concentration. Sukadev and Kerstin guide you in this 90-minute Yoga Session: Initial Relaxation, OM, Mantra, Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing with a journey through the «7 Chakras», Sun Salutation with Affirmations and Surya Mantras, Navasana Abdominal Muscle Exercise, Position of the Child, Headstand, Headstand against the wall, Shoulderstand, Plow, Bridge, Wheel, Fish, Forward Bend, Inclined Plane, Cobra, Locust, Arch, Position of the Child, Twisted Seat, Crow, Tree, Triangle, Deep Relaxation: Autogenic Training, OM, Meditation on the higher light, tips for awareness and mindfulness. Tips for Positive Thinking.



8C Yoga Beginners Course Short Practice



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A 17-minute Short Yoga Practice: 1 round of Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Breathing), Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar), Headstand against the wall, Forward Bend, Cobra, Arch, Position of the Child, Crow, short relaxation — short form of Autogenic Training. This Yoga Lesson is ideal for practicing briefly what you have learned in the 8th Lesson of the 10-week «Yoga Vidya Beginners Course». 17 minutes for relaxation and new strength.



8D Autogenic Training while sitting — Short Practical Video from the 8th week of the Yoga Beginners Course



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Relax and get new energy — through Autogenic Training while sitting. «Autogenic Training» is a special form of Deep Relaxation that can also be performed while sitting. Sukadev explains the basics of Autogenic Training to you. Kerstin shows you different ways of sitting. Then Sukadev guides you through the levels of Autogenic Training — so that you can relax really well.