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Vedanta Meditation — Where am I?

4A Vichara Meditation — Course Video


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Viveka means distinction. In Vedanta there are the 4 great Vivekas, the four great inquiries into the essence of being:



Sukadev explains these four Vivekas to you. Then he leads you into a Meditation on the question: Where am I? At first glance, this question seems very banal. But it leads to surprising insights and helps to non-identification. This meditation belongs to the group of Vichara Meditations.



4B Vichara Meditation: Where am I? With Explications


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A Meditation that can lead to amazing insights.

Where am I? At first glance, this question seems banal. But with this form of Vichara Meditation you also approach the question: Who am I? Because if it isn't that easy to say where you are, then it is even more difficult to say who you are. Sukadev explains this Vichara meditation to you — and then guides you to a practical Meditation. This type of Meditation belongs to the Vedanta Meditation Technics, to the abstract Meditations. It belongs to the topic Atma — Anatma Viveka, the distinction between the self and the non-self.

This is one of the Practice Videos of the fourth lesson of the Vedanta Meditation and Jnana Yoga Course in 20 lessons. This is not a Meditation for beginners.



4C Vichara Meditation: Where am I? Without Explications


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Who am I? You approach this question in this video. Sukadev guides you directly to this form of Vichara Meditation. So sit down for Meditation before you start this video. A Meditation that can lead to amazing insights. Where am I? At first glance, this question seems banal. But with this form of Vichara Meditation you also approach the question: Who am I? Because if it isn't that easy to say where you are, then it is even more difficult to say who you are. This is a practical Meditation guide, not a lecture. This type of Meditation belongs to the Vedanta Meditation Technics, to the abstract Meditations. It belongs to the topic of Atma Anatma Viveka, the distinction between the self and the non-self.

This is one of the Practice Videos of the fourth lesson of the Vedanta Meditation and Jnana Yoga Course in 20 lessons. This is not a Meditation for beginners.