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Solar Plexus Chakra Balance Vs Imbalance


This is the root of a charismatic leader.

Someone confident and who instils confidence in others. They are light airy and happy, laugh easily and are self-assured.

(Compare this to the leader with an over-active root chakra…)

It’s a scholar’s attitude of enjoyment of learning and eagerness to investigate the world, curious and full of hopeful expectation.

This person has no confidence in their own judgment. They fear making decisions and don’t feel capable of trying anything on their own. Whatever they do, they need someone there to hold their hand.

They develop complicated safety nets and security measures in every aspect of their lives because they develop a strange paranoia about being “found out” – presumably for being some kind of fraud – although sometimes that’s hard to discern, but more often than not become very cagey about their private lives.

Lastly, on one occasion I saw an underactive solar plexus energy manifested in an extremely sinister manner, where one person seemed to “create” alternate identities as an avoidance mechanism for being alone.

Over-active, as you can imagine, makes people overly critical, negative, surly and frankly not very pleasant to be around.