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All healing work must begin and end with psychic protection, and it must be very deliberate.

If you want an example of do as I say not as I do, I neglected to close down my chakras during a long day of writing this post. I’d been imagining hopping in and out of the outer chakras to check what I’d written, hadn’t really considered it like meditation (which of course it was, just in another form) and had simply gone and made the tea.

My sleep was disturbed for three days.

I call it downloading… where my brain hops in and out of books I’ve read, conversations I’ve had and scans to work out where I need to take a piece of work next.

In and out of Akashic records, ugh… not pleasant and a stupid, stupid mistake.

Incidentally, if this does happen to you, use valerian and hop the next night to shut off your mind.

It’s like being given an anesthetic. You will have a black hole where your dreams were the night before, but at least you’ll have slept. These essential oils are fabulous, but many don't like the aroma. If this is you, the pharmacist will usually be able to sell it to you in tablet form for a couple of pounds.

But, if you want to stay calm and well, heed the warning, always open and close down properly.

Now, hopefully, also you will have grasped the futility of balancing just one chakra, because it is highly unlikely one problem exists in isolation.

Other chakras overact to compensate for underdeveloped ones etc.

So, the most effective chakra meditation you can do is a simple run up and down the colors. I do seven, but if you get clever, or course you can integrate the outer chakras too, as you develop.





If you manage to attain a good number of crystals, then a crystal grid will make you feel like you’ve never felt before and snaps chakras into place very quickly.

The sensation is very strange and other worldly, but it is a highly effective method.

It’s easier to grid someone else than it is to do it yourself, because it can feel like you’re trying to bury yourself in the sand on the beach, but with thought, it can be done.