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Padahastasana — Standing Forward Bend

«Padahastasana» means «Standing Forward Bend». «Padahastasana» is an Asana (Yoga Posture) from Hatha Yoga, which is one of the most important 84 Main Asanas. «Padahastasana» is the 11th Asana of the 12 Basic Postures of the Yoga Vidya Series in Hatha Yoga. Just like «Paschimottanasana», the «Seated Forward Bend», «Padahastasana» helps to develop devotion and patience and is similar to the «Inversion Postures» in some effects. «Padahastasana» stretches the entire backside of the body. In the Yoga Vidya series, «Padahastasana» is practiced after the balance exercises of the «Peacock» («Mayurasana») and the «Crow» («Kakasana»). After «Padahastasana» follows «Trikonasana», the «Triangle». If there are back problems, such as sciatica or a slipped disc, the «Forward Bends» should generally be done with caution. You may want to omit «Padahastasana» or switch to a gentle variation.





Table of Contents

1 Instruction and Exercise Videos for Padahastasana/a>

1.1 Standard Instructions
1.2 Standing Forward Bend Exercise Video — Practical Instruction
1.3 Standing Forward Bend Exercise Video — Variations by Difficulty Level

2 Effects of Padahastasana

2.1 Physically

2.1.1 Stretched Muscles

2.2 Mentally
2.3 Energetically

2.3.1 Chakras Addressed

2.4 Contra-Indications

3 Swami Sivananda explains Padahastasana as follows in his book Yoga Asanas

3.1 The Hand — Foot Position

3.1.1 Benefits

3.2 Variations

4 Video about Padahastasana



Instruction and Exercise Videos for Padahastasana

Instructions Standard



Standing Forward Bend Exercise Video — Practical Instruction

Here Sukadev instructs you to the Yoga Exercise of the «Standing Forward Bend» and shows you how to optimally perform the «Standing Forward Bend». This is an excerpt from the first course video of the 10-week Beginners Course.




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Standing Forward Bend Exercise Video — Variations by Difficulty Level

The Yoga Exercise «Standing Forward Bend» from a Yoga Session: Sukadev instructs you to the «Standing Forward Bend» in different difficulty levels or variations and shows you how to perform these exercises optimally.

This is an excerpt from the ninth course video of the 10-week Beginners Course.




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Effects of Padahastasana


«Padahastasana» has some of the same effects as «Paschimotthanasana», the «Forward Bend». «Padahastasana» keeps the waist slim, restores elasticity of the spine, and stretches the tendons in the legs, especially in the back of the knees. It also supports blood flow to the brain and has some of the effects of the «Inversion Postures».

Stretched Muscles




«Padahastasana» helps to develop humility and devotion.




«Padahastasana» has an invigorating and energizing effect.

Chakras Addressed
The following Chakras are most commonly addressed:




In case of certain back complaints, such as sciatica, herniated discs, etc., the «Forward Bends» should be done with caution. Eventually omit this Asana or switch to a gentle variation.



Swami Sivananda explains Padahastasana as follows in his book Yoga Asanas

The Hand — Foot Position

This posture can be called «Standing Paschimottanasana», «Standing Forward Bend», because the technique itself is the same. The only difference is that it is practiced while standing. It is also sometimes called «Hastapadangasana», Hand — Foot Posture.




This Asana offers multiple benefits. After completing the exercise, you will feel you very strengthened. The body becomes light as much «Tamas» is reduced. Obesity disappears. Shortening of the legs due to fractures or broken thighs will be equaled. A slight stretching of the legs is achieved by performing the exercise for about three months, and thereby the legs or thighs rubbing with mustard oil to which a little salt has been added. The salt allows the oil to penetrate more easily. This Asana increases the flow of energy downward. The «Sushumna» would be purified and strengthened. The benefit of «Paschimottanasana» are also achieved in this Asana.






Video on Padahastasana




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