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Yoga Beginner Course 10 Weeks — Tenth Week

10th Course Week

10A Last Lesson of the 10 Week Yoga Beginner Course



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In this last Course Video of the 10-week Beginner Course, Sukadev reiterates the «Basic Principles of Yoga». He gives you lots of practical tips. Practice with this video in a particularly concentrated way — this Yoga Session can get very deep. You practice the very classic «Yoga Vidya Basic Series»: Initial Relaxation, OM, Mantra, Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing, Sun Salutation, Abdominal Muscle Exercises.

The 12 Yoga Basic Poses: Headstand (or Dog), Shoulderstand, Plow, Fish, Forward Bend, Cobra, Locust, Bow, Twisted Seat, Crow, Standing Forward Bend, Triangle, Classical Yoga Vidya Deep Relaxation, Tratak Meditation with a candle. With this video you have completed the 10-week «Yoga Vidya Beginner Course».

You have learned the Basic Yoga Postures (Asanas), Breathing Exercises (Pranayama), various Deep Relaxation Technics (Shavasana), some short forms of Meditation. You received advice for healthy eating, for more energy in everyday life, for positive thinking and a more conscious attitude to life.

Now it's time to put what you've learned into practice. On the one hand, this video is suitable for daily practice. The other shorter and longer practice videos from the last few weeks are also suitable for the daily practice. And you will find five more videos of shorter and longer practice, gentler and more advanced in this channel. You can find almost 100 different Yoga Lesson Videos, all for free, at Of course: The experience is most intensive in a Yoga Course under the guidance of a Yoga Teacher. If you haven't been to a real Yoga Class before, give it yet a try. At you will find the addresses of Yoga Schools and Yoga Teachers. And if you really want to have a deep Yoga Experience, go to a Yoga Ashram for a seminar. The combined exercise of Yoga Sessions, Meditations, Mantras, in beautiful nature, healthy food (vegetarian, organic, delicious) with like-minded people helps to find new energy, relaxation and inspiration.

More information is also available at More Yoga, Ayurveda, Relaxation and Meditation Videos at More information about Yoga, Yoga Shop, Yoga Articles, Yoga Seminars and a Yoga Teacher Directory at



10B Gentle Yoga Lesson — A Long Practice Lesson Week 10



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A long Practice Session for regular practice. Gentle Yoga Session: Initial Relaxation, Crocodile Exercises, OM, Mantra, Abdominal Breathing, Alternate Breathing, isometric Neck Muscle Exercises, Eye Exercises, Nape Relaxation, simple Sun Salutation, Abdominal Muscle Exercises, Back Rotation, Dog, Position of the Child, simple Shoulderstand (sacrum on the pillow), Fish, Simple Forward Bend, Cobra, Cat, simple Crescent, Simple Twisted Seat, Standing Forward Bend, Tree, Triangle, classical Yoga Vidya Deep Relaxation. This Yoga Lesson is particularly suitable for those who like to practice gently or who have one or the other physical limitation / complaint. You will also find shorter and longer Yoga Lessons, gentle and challenging, as videos 10C, 10D and 10E in this Beginner Course Video Series.



10C Yoga Lesson — Intermediate Chakra Concentration — a long Practice Session 10th Week



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A long Yoga Lesson to practice regularly. The classic Yoga Vidya series with special concentration technics for energy activation and harmonizing of the Chakras. Sukadev and Kerstin instruct you to OM, Mantra, Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing, Sun Salutation with Surya Mantras and Chakra Concentration, Navasana (abdominal muscle exercise), Headstand with Eye Exercises, Position of the Child, Shoulderstand, Plow, Fish, Forward Bend, Inclined Plane, Cobra, Locust, Bow, Twisted Seat. Deep Relaxation with «Chakra Ladder»: You go through the 7 Chakras of the spine, connect it with the corresponding Visualizations and Affirmations. This Yoga Lesson is suitable for regular practice after the completion of this Beginner Course. This Yoga Lesson is particularly suitable for those who can practice the classic Yoga Vidya Series well and have no or only mild physical disabilities. This type of Yoga Lessons is one of the most popular and most effective at Yoga Vidya. You will also find shorter and longer Yoga Lessons, gentler and more demanding ones, for example the videos 10D, 10D and 10E in this «Beginner Course Video Series».



10D Yoga Lesson with Affirmations Intermediate 20 Minutes



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A short Yoga Session to practice regularly. With affirmations for spiritual development and the development of one's own abilities. Special focus of this 20-minute Yoga Session: Pranayama (Breathing Exercises), Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), standing Asanas. Sukadev and Amari instruct you to Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing, Sun Salutation, Hero Position, different triangles (Trikonasana) standing Backbend, standing Relaxation. You will also find shorter and longer Yoga Lessons, gentler and more demanding ones, for example the videos 10A, 10B, 10C and 10E, in this «Beginner Course Video series».



10E Yoga Vidya Practice Lesson with many Explanations



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Asanas exactly with many details. The Yoga Vidya Basic Series. Repeat the Basic Exercises of the 10-week course in their details. So that you can do everything correctly and precisely. Sukadev Bretz, founder and leader of Yoga Vidya, instruct you to: Shavasana (Initial Relaxation), Kapalabhati (Rapid Breathing), Anuloma Viloma (Breathing Alternations), Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Navasana (Abdominal Muscel Exercise), Shirshasana (Headstand), Garbhasana (Position of the child), Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), Halasana (Plow), Matsyasana (Fish), Paschimotthanasana (Forward Bend), Purvottasana (Inclined Plane), Abdominal Relaxation Position, Bhujangasana (Cobra), Shalabhasana (Locust), Dhanurasana (Bow), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Twisted Seat), Kakasana (Crow), Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend), Trikonasana (Triangle), Shavasana with classic combined Yoga Vidya Deep Relaxation, Meditation, Mantra. Demonstrated by Carlotta, Yoga Teacher and Ayurveda Therapist at Yoga Vidya.



10F Short Yoga Lesson Yoga for the Back



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A short Yoga Session, «Focus on Back Yoga», for a regular practice. Initial Relaxation, Crocodile Exercises, isometric Neck Muscle Exercises, Eye Exercises, Nape Relaxation, back-friendly Sun Salutation, Abdominal Muscle Exercise, Leg Extension, Bridge for strengthening Back Muscles, Back Rotation. Deep Relaxation in a back-relaxing posture with Visualization of Light. Affirmations and Thoughts of Benevolence. You will find more shorter and longer Yoga Lessons, gentle and demanding, as videos 10B, 10C, 10D and 10E, in this Beginner Course Video Series.