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Meditation Beginners Course — Tenth Week of the Course

10A Meditation Course Tenth Week — Course Video



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In the last course video of the meditation course, you meditate with Vicara Meditation and listen to a lecture on Jnana Yoga, the yoga of knowledge. In Jnana Yoga questions are asked like: Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? One answer from Jnana Yoga is: Your true nature is awareness, is joy, is one with the infinite. You can experience this in the meditation.



10B Long Practice: Vicara Meditation



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In the long exercise video of the tenth week, you begin with a few minutes of OM toning to get in the mood for Jnana Yoga Meditation. OM, the cosmic sound, represents unity, infinity, harmony and peace. Then you meditate with the Vicara Meditation. Perhaps you will experience something of your divine joy or oneness with the infinite.



10C Brief Practice: Vicara Meditation



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The Short Practice Video for this week: You meditate with a Combined Mantra Meditation. You are aware of the divine and repeat a mantra.