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Throat Chakra Yoga

Chakra Sequences

Today's video is a THROAT CHAKRA YOGA practice. Your Throat Chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and your ability to speak your truth. This is a 25 minute practice including a 5 minute Shavasana with Throat Chakra affirmations. There is a lot of neck opening and closing, so just be careful or maybe skip this practice if your neck is sensitive to that.




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Day 5 | Throat Chakra

Chakra Challenge

It is DAY 5 of our 777 CHAKRA CHALLENGE. Today's focus is the THROAT CHAKRA. The Throat Chakra's function is communication.




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Throat Chakra Focused | 17:02

Shorter Chakra Practices

Today's video is YOGA FOR COMMUNICATION, SELF-EXPRESSION, and SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH! This video is meant to activate your Throat Chakra, so we are doing poses where the head and neck are engaged and open. If you have injuries in your head or neck, this practice might not be for you so be sure to gauge whether you feel like it is safe for you or not. You all often express how much you enjoy my Chakra videos, so I will definitely keep making them. Most people should be able to do this practice and you can always modify as you need to. There's never any pressure to do each and every pose to it's full expression, it's really about listening to your body. I hope this practice can help you to open and activate your Throat Chakra if you feel like you've been struggling with communication, expressing your needs, speaking openly and clearly, etc. The Shavasana is pretty short, but feel free to stay in Shavasana as long as you need to.




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Meditation for Vishuddha / Throat Chakra

For day 5 of our 7 Days of Sadhana, Vishva-ji will guide you through a meditation for the Throat Chakra, for expression and communication.




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After the meditation above or as a separate meditation, you can meditate on the seed syllable OM of the Throat Chakra here. You can also search for OM on YouTube and instead do another OM meditation where your focus is on the syllable OM in the Vishuddha or Throat Chakra.




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