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Heart Chakra Yoga

Chakra Sequences

Today's video is a HEART CHAKRA YOGA practice. Your Heart Chakra is responsible for love, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, etc. This is a 30 minute practice including a 5 minute Shavasana with Heart Chakra affirmations.




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Day 4 | Heart Chakra

Chakra Challenge

It is DAY 4 of our 777 CHAKRA CHALLENGE. Today's focus is the HEART CHAKRA. The Heart Chakra's function is love.




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Heart Chakra Focused | 16:08

Shorter Chakra Practices

Today’s upload is YOGA FOR LOVE, COMPASSION, and FORGIVENESS. This video focuses on the Heart Chakra like that one does. So, in this video we do a lot of heart opening and chest opening poses because this is where the Heart Chakra is located. Sometimes these poses involve some form of back bending, so if your back is sensitive, be mindful of that. I also add a couple affirmations during Shavasana to help deepen the practice.




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Meditation for Anahata / Heart Chakra

For Day 4 of our 7 Days of Sadhana, Vishva-ji will guide you through a meditation for the 4th Chakra, Anahata. Connecting to the energies of gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, and the strength of unconditional love.




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After the meditation above or as a separate meditation, you can meditate on the seed syllable YAM of the Heart Chakra here. You can also search for YAM on YouTube and instead do another YAM meditation where your focus is on the syllable YAM in the Anahata or Heart Chakra.




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