Today's video is another yoga pose tutorial for SUPPORTED HEADSTAND or Silamba Sirasana. Please WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO BEFORE ATTEMPTING. I'm apprehensive about teaching inversions because I don't want anyone to hurt themselves, so make sure you are ready, that you have someone to support / spot you, and talk to your doctor before attempting anything that can affect your health. I recommend watching the whole video before attempting because I know people can get excited and try to jump right into the pose. There are times people might try to go from beginner to intermediate without much practice or strength building, so try not to be this person (LOL).
Take your time when trying new poses and listen to your body. If you get wobbly or there's a lot of pressure on the top of the head release the pose. Let me know if you attempt this pose and how it went. Your neck or shoulders might get sore afterwards if you're not used to using these muscles so be prepared for that.