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Hatha Yoga with Nico

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Today's video is another pose tutorial and I'm teaching you how to get into WIDE-LEGGED FORWARD BEND or PRASARITA PADOTTONASANA. In the video I said the wrong Sanskrit word it is «Prasarita» not «Parshva». Wide-Legged Forward Bend is a very commonly used yoga pose. I use it often in my practices as it is great for stretching many points in your body. Some of its benefits include opening the hips, releasing tension in the neck and shoulders, stretching the legs and spine, calming the mind, strengthening the legs, and more. You can modify this pose easily by using blocks underneath the hands. If that's still too low, you can also rest your hands on the seat of a chair. Let me know if this video helped you get a better understanding on how to get into Wide-Legged Forward Bend. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe. Thanks for watching!




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