The Sun Salutation is wonderful for warming up for the entire body and helps you start the morning with more energy and focus. In this video, I guide you through a Beginner Version of Sun Salutation A. First, I explain each of the postures to you in more detail, and then we flow through the Sun Salutation together, in sync with the breath.
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses. Besides being a great cardiovascular workout, Surya Namaskar is also known to have an immensely positive impact on the body and mind. Surya Namaskar is best done early morning on an empty stomach. Each round of Sun Salutation consists of two sets, and each set is composed of 12 yoga poses.
Some of the incredible benefits of Surya Namaskar include stimulating the nervous system, helping in stretching, flexing and toning the muscles, strengthening the immune system, enhancing the cognitive functions amongst a range of benefits for the body and the mind. Reap the benefits of this online guide to learn and practice Surya Namaskar regularly and attain excellent health!
Time Codes:
00:00 Introduction to Surya Namaskar by Dinesh Kashikar
12 Steps of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
01) 01:53 Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
02) 02:07 Hastauttanasana (Upward Salute)
03) 02:30 Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend)
04) 02:50 Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low Lunge backwards)
05) 03:09 Dandasana (Plank)
06) 03:27 Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points)
07) 03:42 Bhujangasana (Cobra)
08) 03:58 Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Dog)
09) 04:19 Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low Lunge forwards)
10) 04:34 Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend)
11) 04:50 Hastauttanasana (Upward Salute)
12) 05:01 Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
07:40 Slow Set of Sun Salutation
12:30 Quick Set of Sun Salutation
13:50 Relaxation
13:59 Guided Meditation with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Instead of the Shavasana at the end of the sun salutation you can also do this beautiful meditation. This 9 minute Guided Mindful Sun Meditation can be done in the morning, throughout the day or during sunset. In this meditation I guide you to connect with the powerful healing energies of the sun. You will leave this meditation feeling relaxed and connected to your surroundings.