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Pranayama Intermediate — Week 3

3A Pranayama and Ayurveda: Breathing Exercises




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Ayurveda is the Indian Healing Science. Pranayama are the Breathing Exercises from Hatha Yoga. In Ayurveda, Pranayamas can be used very effectively. Sukadev gives you recommendations regarding the practice of pranayama from the point of view of Ayurveda. Sukadev talks about Agni, Ama and Dosha — and he explains how Breathing Exercises (Pranayama) affect Agni, Ama and Dosha. A particular focus of his lecture are the Doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Which Yoga Practices, which Pranayama, should people with Vata, Pitta or Kapha Prakriti practice? Which Pranayamas help to calm down and reduce excessive Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

Small note: This video does not contain any Vreathing Exercises. You can find the corresponding Breathing Exercises as Practice Videos 3B, 3C and 3D, so on

You can find an Ayurveda test at



3B Pranayama which calming Vata




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A 30-minute Pranayama Session to calm Vata. Vata is one of the three Doshas in Ayurveda. If you have an excess of Vata, this Pranayama Session can help you find calm and inner warmth. This is not a Beginner Video. Rather, you should already be familiar with the Pranayamas as taught at Yoga Vidya. Practice Video for the Third Week of the Intermediate Pranayama Course.

You can find a Breathing Course for Beginners under Breathing Course for Beginners.

Sukadev guides you to:


3 rounds of Agni Sara
2 rounds of slow Kapalabhati with Agni Sara
5 – 10 rounds of Alternate Breathing with Ujjayi and Mula Bandha
5 rounds of Surya Bedha



3C Pranayama to calming Pitta




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45 minutes of Pranayama to calm Pitta. In Ayurveda, the Indian health system, Pitta stands for fire, energy, assertiveness and the will to perform. An excess of Pitta leads to irritability, frustration, hot-headedness and inflammation. In this video, Sukadev guides you through a Pranayama Session with Pitta calming exercises. This is a Practice Video of the Intermediate Pranayama Course.

Sukadev guides you to:


Uddhiyana Bandha
3 rounds of medium-paced Kapalabhati with Uddhiyana Bandha
5-10 rounds of Alternate Breathing, gentle and relaxed
5 rounds of Chandra Bheda
10 rounds of1 Shitali


This is a Practice Video from the Third Week of the six-week Intermediate Pranayama Course.



3D Pranayama to reduce Kapha




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40 minutes of Pranayama to reduce Kapha. In Ayurveda, the Indian health system, Kapha stands for the earth-water element. Kapha stands for coziness, peace, enjoyment and stability. An excess of Kapha can make you sluggish, lead to listlessness, edema and weight gain. Pranayama can very effectively reduce Kapha, give new Energie, increase inner warmth and inner drive. In this video, Sukadev guides you through a Pranayama Session with energizing and warming Breathing Exercises. The good thing is: These Pranayamas are easy to perform, feel comfortable and are effective immediately. This is a Practice Video of the Intermediate Pranayama Course.

Sukadev guides you to:


3 rounds of Agni Sara
5 rounds of Kapalabhati with Agni Sara
5 rounds of Alternate Breathing with Ujjayi, paying particular attention to Abdominal Breathing, Ashwini Mudra
10 rounds of Surya Bheda