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Pranayama Intermediate — Week 5

5A 5A Energy Transfer, Pranic Healing, Bahir Kumbhaka




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Learn the basics of Energy Transfer and Prana Healing. Sukadev gives you simple and highly effective techniques of Prana Transmission and Energy Healing. He explains many Mudras that you can integrate both for energy transfer and as part of your yoga practice. This is the Course Video for the Fifth Week of the six-week Intermediate Pranayama Course.

This Pranayama Course naturally includes an intensive Pranayama Session, consisting of:

Sukha Pranayama for Energy Transmission:


Aterior, Middle and Posterior Mula Bandha
Energy Transfer




Bahir Kumbhaka with Agni Sara; Antar Kumbhaka with Ashvini Mudra; inferior Shambhavi Mudra; little Khechari
Bahir Kumbhaka with Udhiyana Bandha; Antar Kumbhaka with Littlem Vajroli Mudra; anterior Khechari
Bahir Kumbhaka relaxed; Antar Kumbhaka with Mula Bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, Middle Nabho Mudra, Superior Shambhavi Mudra


Anuloma Viloma 1: anterior, middle and posterior Mula Bandha
Anuloma Viloma 2: Alternate Breathingg with longer Bahir Kumbhaka 8 : 8 : 8 : 8
Anuloma Viloma 3: Classic Anuloma Viloma with Mula Bandha, Uddhiyana Bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, Jhiva Bandha
Intense Kapalabhati with Mula Bandha, Uddhiyana Bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, Jhiva Bandha, Shambhavi Mudra
Khechari Kumbhaka.



5B Sukha Pranayama, Kapalabhati, Alternate Vreathing, Mudras — Long Pranayama Practice




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An intensive Pranayama Session with special energy techniques for a powerful experience. Sukadev guides you in Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing and Sukha Pranayama with special Mula Bandhas, with Mudras and Bahir Kumbhaka. This is the intensive Practice Video of the Fifth Week of the six-week Intermediate Pranayama Course.

This Pranayama Session includes:



Bahir Kumbhaka with Agni Sara; Antar Kumbhaka with Ashvini Mudra; inferior Shambhavi Mudra; little Khechari
Bahir Kumbhaka with Uddhiyana Bandha; Antar Kumbhaka with little Vajroli Mudra; anterior Khechari
Bahir Kumbhaka relaxed; Antar Kumbhaka with Mula bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, middle Nabho Mudra, superior Shambhavi Mudra


Anuloma Viloma 1: with anterior, middle and posterior Mula Bandha
Anuloma Viloma 2: Alternate Breathing with longer Bahir Kumbhaka 8 : 8 : 8 : 8
Anuloma Viloma 3: Classical Anuloma Viloma with Mula Bandha, Uddhiyana Bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, Jhiva Bandha
Intense Kapalabhati with Mula Bandha, Uddhiyana Bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, Jhiva Bandha, Shambhavi Mudra
Khechari Kumbhaka.

Sukha Pranayama for Energy Transmission:


Anterior, Middle and Posterior Mula Bandha
Energy Transfer



5C Kapalabhati and Alternate Breathing with Mula Bandha — Short Pranayama Practice




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25 minutes of special Pranayama with Mula Bandha variations for intense energy awakening. This Pranayama Session also includes special pelvic floor training, harmonizes Apana Vayu, opens the Sushumna and Saraswati Nadi and works particularly on Muladhara and Svadhishthana Chakra. This is the Shorter Practice Video of the Fifth Week of the Pranayama Intermediate Course. All videos on

Sukadev guides you to:



Bahir Kumbhaka with Agni Sara; Antar Kumbhaka with Ashvini Mudra; inferior Shambhavi Mudra; little Khechari
Bahir Kumbhaka with Udhiyana Bandha; Antar Kumbhaka with little Vajroli Mudra; anterior Khechari
Bahir Kumbhaka relaxed; Antar Kumbhaka with Mula bandha, Laghu Jalandhara, middle Nabho Mudra, superior Shambhavi Mudra


Anuloma Viloma with Anteriot, Middle and Posterior Mula Bandha.



5D Sukha Pranayama for Energy Transfer — Short Pranayama Practice




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Do you want to transfer energy to someone? Is there someone around you who needs Prana, life energy? Then let Sukadev guide you to an Energy Transfer. To follow the instructions, you need someone you want to give energy to right away.

This form of Prana Transmission integrates:


Anterior, Middle and Posterior Mula Bandha
Energy Transfer


This is a Practice Video from the Fifth Week of the Intermediate Pranayama Course. To learn these exercises, it is best to take the entire Pranayama Course, starting with the Breathing Course for Beginners.

You can find training in energy work at

Note: This is not a medical video. Anyone who is sick needs treatment from a doctor or alternative practitioner. The form of energy transfer shown here cannot replace medical treatment, but after consultation with a doctor or alternative practitioner it may be a useful supplement.

Author / Speaker: Sukadev Bretz. Yoga practitioner: Ananta. Both from Yoga Vidya.



5E Energy Transfer and Pranic Healing with Kapalabhati — Short Pranayama Practice




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Practice a simple and effective form of Energy Transfer and Prana Healing. Sukadev guides you to do this. If you want to give someone Prana, life energy, and they are present, you can get instructions here. This is a Practice Video. You can get more detailed explanations in the video «5A Energy Transfer and Prana Healing», which can be found at

Sukadev guides you to practice Kapalabhati and then consciously give the energy generated by Kapalabhati to others.

To learn Pranayama, you can find a Breathing Course for Beginners.

You can find trainings in energy work at

Note: This is not a medical video. Anyone who is sick needs treatment from a doctor or alternative practitioner. The form of energy transfer shown here cannot replace medical treatment, but after consultation with a doctor or alternative practitioner it may be a useful supplement.

Author / Speaker: Sukadev Bretz. Yoga practitioner: Ananta. Both from Yoga Vidya.



5F Covering the eyes for Energy Transfer and Pranic Healing — Short Pranayama Practice




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A simple and effective form of Energy Activation and Prana Healing. If you want to transfer energy to someone and they are with you, you can do it with this guide. The energy transfer takes place in the stages of collection, covering, visualization and Affirmation. This is a practical video. You can get more detailed explanations in the video «5A Energy Transfer and Prana Healing», which can be found at

To learn Pranayama, you can find a Breathing Course for Beginners.

You can find trainings in energy work at

Note: This is not a medical video. Anyone who is sick needs treatment from a doctor or alternative practitioner. The form of energy transfer shown here cannot replace medical treatment, but after consultation with a doctor or alternative practitioner it may be a useful supplement.

Author / Speaker: Sukadev Bretz.Yoga practitioner: Ananta. Both from Yoga Vidya.