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Meditation Beginners Course — Seventh Week of the Course

7A Meditation Course Seventh Week — Course Video



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In this video, Sukadev gives a lecture on the human energy system. You will learn what Prana, Nadis and Chakras are. In the practical part you can do standing charging exercises and find stillness within yourself with the Energy Meditation. You will then receive tips for further seminars.



7B Long Practice: Energy Meditation



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You practice with the Energy Meditation this week. Previously the standing charging exercises Agni Sara, Uddiyana Bandha and Gorilla. You will be guided into meditation by singing mantras. The Energy Meditation helps you to activate your energy centers, to shape your energy field harmoniously and to connect you with the energy field of earth and sky. This is the long guide for your meditation practice.



7C Brief Practice: Energy Meditation



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In this video the Short practice of the Combined Energy Meditation. The Energy Meditation supports you to get new energy and new inspiration. This is the brief guide to your meditation practice.