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Sacral Chakra Yoga

Chakra Sequences

Today's video is a SACRAL CHAKRA YOGA practice. Your Sacral Chakra is responsible for your creative and sexual energy, and is also tied to your emotions. This practice including a «Shavasana» with Sacral Chakra affirmations.




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Day 2 | Sacral Chakra

Chakra Challenge

It is DAY 2 of our 777 CHAKRA CHALLENGE. Today's focus is the SACRAL CHAKRA. The Sacral Chakra's function is desire, pleasure, and creativity.




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Sacral Chakra Focused | 18:44

Shorter Chakra Practices

Today's upload is a 15 MINUTE SACRAL CHAKRA practice for CREATIVE ENERGY. A few of you have expressed that you enjoy the chakra practices and that you enjoy the shorter ones, so I'm going to try to make short practices for each chakra. Since this practice is for the Sacral Chakra it involves a lot of hip opening to help you activate it. Your Sacral Chakra houses your creativity and passion. It also is related to how you handle your emotions and the emotions of others which makes sense since we often store built up emotions in our hips. So this video is a chance to open the Sacral Chakra in addition to releasing emotions you may be holding in your hips. Be gentle with yourself during this practice and feel free to take any needed breaks. Breaks are ALWAYS okay. Leave a comment and let me know what you think of the shorter chakra practices I've put out. Leave a like if you enjoy the video, likes and comments help me out. Feel free to share this video on other platforms, I hope you enjoy it.




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Meditation for Svadhisthana / Sacral Chakra

For Day 2 of our 7 Days of Sadhana, Vishva-ji will guide you through a meditation for the 2nd Chakra, Svadhisthana, our center of creativity.




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After the meditation above or as a separate meditation, you can meditate on the seed syllable VAM of the Sacral Chakra here. You can also search for VAM on YouTube and instead do another VAM meditation where your focus is on the syllable VAM in the Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra.




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