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Pranayama Intermediate Level - Week 1

1A — Sitting Postures, Kapalabhati Variations




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In this first course video you will practice:


Agni Sara, Uddhiyana Bandha while standing
Sitting postures for Pranayama:


Kamalasana (= Padmasana)
Ardha Padmasana
Ardha Siddhasana
Salambha Sukhasana


5 Rounds of Kapalabhati


Slowly firm, Uddhiyana Bandha, Mula Mudra
Medium pace, Uddhiyana Bandha
Quickly, Agni Sara
Quickly, Agni Sara
Very quickly


10 minutes of Alternate Breathing: concentration on Ida, Pingala, Sushumna; with Uddhiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha
Kevala Kumbhaka


This video series is also intended as accompanying material for Pranayama Intermediate Level Courses, such as those taught at Yoga Vidya in the Yoga Vidya Centers or by Breathing Course Instructors which have been trained at Yoga Vidya. This Intermediate Pranayama Course is very comprehensive and gives a lot of background information. Yoga teachers, pranayama enthusiasts and Yoga practitioners with a lot of experience will also get new ideas from this Pranayama Course.



1B — Long Practice Video: Kapalabhati, Alternate Breathing, Murccha, Plavini, Kevala Kumbhaka




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The practice video of the first week of the Pranayama Intermediate Course. Sukadev guides you to an intense, highly effective Pranayama session with:

5 Rounds of Kapalabhati


Slowly firm, Uddhiyana Bandha, Mula Mudra
Medium pace, Uddhiyana Bandha
Quickly, Agni Sara
Quickly, Agni Sara
Very quickly


10 minutes of Alternate Breathing: concentration on Ida, Pingala, Sushumna; with Uddhiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha
Kevala Kumbhaka



1C — Nine Sitting Postures for Meditation and Pranayama




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Sukadev explains the 9 Sitting Postures for Meditation and Pranayama. Ananta will show you. In this way you can find out which of these Meditation Seats, Asanas, is particularly suitable for you. The Nine Sitting Postures shown here are:


  1. Padmasana, also called Kamalasana, Lotus Position
  2. Ardha Padmasana, Half Lotus Position
  3. Siddhasana
  4. Ardha Siddhasana
  5. Muktasana
  6. Sukhasana
  7. Salambha Sukhasana
  8. Virasana
  9. Asandasana


Sukadev overlooked two sitting postures to explain: Swastikasana and Ardha Swastikasana… All Asanas are explained in more detail at Everything about Meditation